Home » Brabham wins 2023 Platinum Waterwise Development

Brabham wins 2023 Platinum Waterwise Development

Last week, Brabham Estate was awarded the Platinum Waterwise Development of the Year at the 2023 Waterwise Recognition Event, celebrating Western Australia’s most water efficient new urban areas.

The award supports developers to implement best-practice water efficiency standards in the design and delivery of new land developments. Brabham Estate was recognised for its waterwise and sustainable initiatives.

L-R: Hon. Simone Frances McGurk, Minister for Training, Water and Youth, Renato Colasante, Manager of Partnering Development WA, Luke Oliver, Senior Development Manager Peet Limited, Mr Ross Love, CEO at Water Corporation

With a 6-Star ‘Green Star’ accreditation from the Green Building Council of Australia, our Brabham Estate offers a Waterwise Front Landscaping Package that aims to save homeowners up to 50% of their total water usage in their gardens. The package includes a smart controller installed into every home that automatically adjusts watering times based on weather data received from the Weather Station installed in the Estates first Smart Park.


The estate houses Brabham’s Green Homes Display, Australia’s most sustainable two-storey display home*. This award-winning display home showcases a waterwise garden display containing water-tolerant plant species, drought-tolerant lawn, treated soils to help retain moisture and even a worm farm and compost.

Learn more about all of Brabham’s sustainability initiatives here.

*Based on CSIRO database and correct as at July 2022.