Home » Flagstone Bridge Opening

We have a big, bold vision for Flagstone in Queensland where 12,000 homes and a complete city centre will be built over the next three decades and were excited to mark a major milestone on the project last week. Wet weather conditions didn’t dampen the celebrations on Friday as Deputy Premier The Hon. Jackie Trad MP waved the starter’s flag sending Clenergy TeamArrow’s record-breaking solar car, Arrow 1, across the new two-lane bridge marking the official of the gateway to the city of the future.

The new bridge crosses the interstate railway line connecting the new city of Flagstone, west of the line, with the existing community of Flagstone Rise, to the east. The project was funded by a catalyst infrastructure arrangement between the developers – Peet and @MTAA Super – and the State Government.

Find out more about the Flagstone Bridge development, by watching the behind the scenes video below.