Home » Golden Bay a big winner at the UDIA(WA) Awards

We are thrilled to have won two awards for Golden Bay at the Urban Development Institute of Australia (WA) 2022 Awards for Excellence, taking home the Excellence in Social and Community Infrastructure Award and the highly coveted Russel Perry Award for Urban Development Excellence.

L-R: Stuart Gardiner, Jordan Pyne, Julia Griffiths, Sheridan Hunter, Paul Morgan, Sam Jarman, Mila Oxana, Katie Dixon, Ryan Hunter, Kris Tilaka, Kasia Majewski, Craig Raynor

The judges considered Golden Bay, developed in partnership with DevelopmentWA, to be a mature, masterplanned development with well thought-out community amenity. The judges commented that central to the amenity are two public open spaces, Shipwreck Park and Treehouse Cove, which have transformed the area and are noteworthy for how they respect their natural environments and provide carefully curated amenity for families at all stages of life.

The judges were impressed with the level of engagement with the local community, the quality of the built form and the way the amenity melds into the natural landscape, reflecting the precinct in which it sits.

Much to the delighted surprise of the Peet team, Golden Bay also won the Russel Perry Award for Urban Development Excellence too. Considered by the judges to be the ‘Best of the Best’, this award is selected from the category winners of the night, recognising the highest standards of development in the industry.

“Perseverance and commitment to the Golden Bay vision are evidenced in this coastal project and the community are reaping the rewards, including fantastic amenity that is inclusive and engaging.”

Craig Raynor and Paul Morgan

See more photos from the night here.