
With over 40 communities throughout Australia, we build places where people find their home.

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Buyers Hub

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With over 130 years of experience in creating communities, Peet is one of Australia’s leading property developers.

About Us


Our approach focuses on sustainable practices that create long-term shared value for our communities, shareholders and people.

Explore Sustainability

Investor Centre

When you invest in Peet, you can invest in confidence in the development of Australia.

Explore Investor Centre

Corp Gov header

As a public company, Peet offers the reassurance of being a transparent, accountable, national group with strong foundations, rigorous governance and robust project management and commercial systems.

Our experienced Board and management team is highly qualified with decades of local, national and international experience, supported by exceptional local teams who offer:

  • Risk mitigation: we’ve thrived for more than 120 years by managing and mitigating risks to protect our – and your – assets. Our formal Risk Management System provides the oversight to manage differing commercial arrangements concurrently on behalf of our different landowners.
  • Safe operation: over hundreds of projects, involving thousands of people, we’ve maintained an exceptional safety record, while our dedicated Work Health Safety Manager ensures we comply with all relevant legislation, regulations and policies.
  • Transparent performance: we do what we say and deliver on our promises, cementing our commitments in project agreements and contracts that are quantified, reviewed, monitored and measured. We measure performance through independent audits and refer issues to our Board Audit and Risk Committee to ensure we produce the best results for you.


Board Charter

Remuneration Committee Charter

Audit and Risk Management Committee Charter

Nomination Committee Charter


Continuous Disclosure and External Communications Policy

Employee Guidelines for Dealing in Securities

Risk Management Policy

Diversity Policy

Whistleblower Policy

Modern Slavery Policy

Conflict of Interest Policy (Directors)

Conflict of Interest Policy (Employees)


Corporate Governance Statement

Code of Conduct and Ethics

Workplace Gender Equality Agency Report 2023

Modern Slavery – Supplier Code of Conduct

More information on Peet’s Share Registry


Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited

T:1300 580 505 (within Australia)

T: +61 3 9415 4000 (outside Australia)

Postal Address: GPO Box 2975, Melbourne VIC 3001

