Home » 3 tips when buying a home

Whether you’re building or buying a new home to live or invest, it’s a big step – and there’s so much choice. Here are our top tips to help you decide where and what to buy:

Step 1: Money Talks

Review your finances so you know exactly what you can afford and be in a strong position to negotiate when you find your ideal block of land or home.  

When considering your budget, don’t forget the land and home building costs, as well as other fees and charges, which could include:

Also, see if there are government grants you can access to reduce your costs.

Consider what type of loan suits you.


Step 2: Location is king

A bit like your favourite pair of jeans, a new community needs to be a great fit for you.

If you’re finding it hard to narrow down your list of locations and communities, jot down your ideal lifestyle needs and wants, like:

  • What local amenities and services you need
  • How much maintenance and upkeep you want
  • The type of lifestyle you seek, eg suburban, beach or inner-city living
  • If, how and how long you want to take to commute to work
  • The investment or rental return you seek, if you’re investing

Match this list to your budget to narrow down the search and refer to the list whenever you consider other options. Stay true to your priorities.

Kids riding bikes

Step 3: Style to suit you

If you’ve exhausted home magazines, Instagram and Pinterest, check out display villages to get great home ideas. 

It’s amazing how quickly a physical walk through a new home makes you decide what you do and don’t like. Visit a few homes and you’ll soon have a great idea of your preferred home layout and style. 

And remember, you can often adapt floor plans, so don’t be afraid to ask what variations can be made if you find a home you like but it’s not quite perfect.

If you decide to design your own home, ask to view architects’ portfolios and inspect homes they have designed. Also ensure they’re registered with an industry body. That goes for any builders or contractors you choose too.

Magazine on couch

We’ve put together a free advice guide to help with your home building journey, which you can download here

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