Have you ever walked into a home and immediately felt relaxed and at ease? You can’t quite put your finger on it, but there’s an air of calm and serenity the minute you step in the door.
With many of us facing increasing demands and pressures in our lives, it’s vital for our wellbeing that our homes offer a place where we can retreat, slowly exhale and recharge. The good news is, that no matter how busy your life, or how boisterous your family, creating a soothing, tranquil environment in your home is more than achievable.
Create a space that enhances your wellbeing with these 8 tips:
1. First impressions
When you walk in the door after a busy day, the last thing you’ll want to see is a pile of shoes, bags and discarded clothing. To ensure that your entrance way automatically triggers a deep, satisfying sigh as you enter, you’ll want to create a light and airy space – free from clutter. Hallway side boards can be used to store keys and mail. If you have a young family and shoe baskets and bag hooks are necessary, aim to have them out of your initial line of sight as you walk in the door.

2. Clean & declutter
A clean and uncluttered interior is like a breath of fresh air that helps to calm the senses. It’s impossible to relax if everywhere you go in your home, you’re confronted with a mess that only represents another thing that you need to do. Don’t procrastinate and be ruthless; if you haven’t used it in the last year or you don’t adore it, get rid of it, or offer it to charity. If the task seems overwhelming, aim to pick one room or cupboard each weekend and start from there.

3. Bring nature in
The indoor plant trend is set to continue, and it’s not hard to see why. Not only do plants bring a welcomed injection of earthy green tones to your interior, they’re also proven to eliminate and re-oxygenate your home which supports your health and wellbeing.
If you’re not green thumbed, ensure you pick easy care varieties so you don’t end with unhealthy plants that require your attention, giving you yet another job to do. Your local garden centre can help you choose the perfect plant for your home and region.

4. Lighting is key
Don’t underestimate the power of lighting to create the perfect ambience in your home. If you’re building a new home, consider the positioning of your home on your land to allow as much natural sun light in as possible – especially in your main living areas. Take time to work with your electrician to understand your lighting options; opt for warm white, dimmable LED downlights. Consider investing in a home automation solution that enables you to create scenarios with your lights, music and blinds giving you complete control of the mood of your home.
Even in existing homes, you can use lighting to amazing effect – table or standing lamps that throw soft light upwards can make rooms feel bigger and produce a welcoming feeling of harmony and relaxation.

5. The ultimate in ambiance lighting; candles
Candles are the perfect option for softly lighting a room. Place several on your dining table and you may be surprised just how much light they produce.
Scented candles can create a mood of tranquility and relaxation by tapping into our powerful sense of smell. Research tells us that smells take a direct route to the limbic system, including the amygdala and the hippocampus – the regions of our brain related to emotion.
Taking a moment to slowly and deeply inhale the beautiful the scent of a candle as you walk past it offers a brief moment of mindfulness to help calm your nervous system.
6. Textures and textiles
Consider adding soft, natural textiles to your space. Rugs that feel luxurious under foot, throws and cushions that invite relaxation. Consider light, sheer ceiling to floor curtains in your master bedroom for the perfect way to add privacy whilst still letting natural light in. They evoke a dreamy sense of calm as they gently move in the breeze.

7. Temperature
Whether you’re feeling hot and bothered or chilly and tired, temperature is another element in our homes that is affecting our wellbeing – often without us knowing it. Pay attention to the temperature in your home and how it impacts your mood.
It’s impossible to suggest the perfect temperature as all of our homes, climates and personal preferences are different. However, as a guide, in summer aim for around 20 degrees and during the winter months for a warm, inviting house try starting with 22 degrees.
8. Harmonious Hues
And finally, alongside lighting, the colour scheme of your home has a profound effect on ambience. Loud, vibrant walls are unlikely to invite a sense of calm, whereas light, soft and airy tones create an environment that encourages relaxation and enhances your mood.
From soft whites, greys, dusty pinks and earthy hues of blue and green – there’s a lot to choose from and with interior colour trends changing almost yearly, we recommend talking to an interior colour expert to ensure you choose the perfect shade for the mood you’re aiming to create.