Home » First Home Builder Q&A with Anna – Brabham Estate, WA

We recently caught up with Anna, a first home buyer from Peet community, Brabham Estate in WA. With the build now nearing completion, Anna has some great tips and tricks for those looking to build their dream home!

What attracted you to Peet’s Brabham Estate? What were your first impressions?

I have rented in the Brabham area for the last 5 years. I absolutely love the family feel about it. There are so many beautiful parks, and the wilderness in the area is so beautiful. I had gone to all the estates in the area when looking for available land and got the best customer service from Renee, the Sales Representative, at the Brabham Estate Sales and Information Centre. Renee really made me feel welcome, sat down with me and asked what I wanted in regards to land size and position, and we found the perfect block for me.

What factors were important to you in choosing a community to build your home?

The family vibe was so important to me. Having been lucky enough to rent here for some time, I got a feel for it – and just knew Brabham was the area I wanted to stay in. I really wanted somewhere that is away from the hustle and bustle, but also close to main roads, freeways and the CBD. I have grown up in the Eastern suburbs of Perth so remaining here was not a question. Also the fact that the Metronet train line is coming here soon –  that was a big selling factor for me too.

Can you describe the process of deciding on the right block of land?

I’ve always known what size block I wanted, how much I wanted to spend, and how the block would be situated. I went to every estate in the area and asked what they could offer me, that fit my criteria. When I walked into the Brabham Estate Sales and Information Centre, I automatically got the feeling that this was the right choice.

Once you signed the contract for your land, what was the next step for you?

I took a good 3 months deciding on the exact house plans I wanted, and what builder I wanted to go through. I found three house plans with three different builders that I really liked, that fit my criteria. Similar to going to all the estates, I went to all three builders and had consultations. I really took my time – I didn’t want to rush it as I wanted to make sure I got it as perfect for me as I could.

How did you decide on the right builder for you? And which Builder did you choose?

As mentioned above, I went through a very similar process with the builder as I did with choosing the estate for my block. I met with all of them and went by what I felt was the “right” place for me. The builder that I chose to go with was Easystart Homes (part of Summit Homes) – which is their first home builder division. As with the Brabham Estate sales representative – I felt so at ease with the consultant from Summit. He was honest and gave me all the feedback I needed to make my decision.

Everything I got promised and told at contract sign, was fulfilled, and the time frames I was given were 100% bang on. I have not received any miscommunication at all throughout my build with Summit. I can confidently with hand on heart say that I have been so impressed with how they have handled my build this whole time.

What are you finding the most rewarding about the process to date?

The process has been long, and it has certainly tested my patience. But the most exciting part is that this is MY home. I have rented for more than half my life and to finally get here and call it mine – that’s the most rewarding part.

If you could pass on two pieces of advice to people looking to buy land and build a home, what would they be?

First of all – don’t rush it. Don’t build just for the sake of building. Spend time sitting on house plans from various builders and just work out what you and your family need. Then go after the builder (and do your research around their building processes/timeframes too! Instagram is so good with that honest feedback from everyone building in the community).

Secondly – trust your gut. Go and visit many builders/estates. Get the vibe from their customer service and how you are treated you through the process. If they push you to just sign away without answering all the questions you need…that’s not the place that will look after you. You want to be heard and welcomed…. after all – you are paying them for your dream home!

You can follow along with Anna’s building journey on her Instagram page – https://www.instagram.com/plantingthatseed/