Our fur-baby’s hold a special place in our hearts, they are considered part of the family and their happiness is just as important as the rest of the family’s. Whilst summer is the perfect time of year for you and family to get out and about in your community, you’ll need to be mindful of how your furry friend reacts to the summer heat. Pets and dogs in particular can really struggle with our Australian summer – we’ve put together some tips about how to keep your furry friend happy and make them as “com-fur-table” as possible this summer. For professional advice please consult your local vet.
During the summer months, it is still important to expel all that physical and mental energy your dog has. You can do this indoors with activities, toys, behavioural training and miniature agility courses but if you wish to safeguard your furniture and get them out of the house, here are a few tips to exercise your furry friend whilst also keeping them safe and happy in the heat:
Water. These days there are lots of dog pools around that can either be booked out for private sessions or for public use. This along with the backyard pool, a paddling pool or even an outdoor water activity is perfect for keeping your dog cool and providing them with hours of entertainment
Beat the heat by limiting your pets activity to early morning or late evening hours as this is when it is likely to be cooler
Take breaks. If you are out walking, stop in the shade to rest a few times before continuing on.
Sand and asphalt can get very hot and even burn your pets paws. Make sure that you test the surface by placing the back of your hand on the ground for 5 seconds, if you can’t hold it there then the surface is too hot for your dog. You can also try protective dog booties however it may take some time for your pooch to get used to them
Image source: Lattitude Lakelands

Image source: @tah1ia

Dogs can be prime candidates for heatstroke on hot or humid days. Canine heatstroke is very similar to that of the human variety – the primary cause being the elevation of body temperature. Dogs generally self regulate their body temperature by panting. However when they are in a hot or humid climate or subject to too much exercise, they find it harder to breathe and to cool themselves down – in turn causing heat stroke. Dog breeds with shorter noses such as; pugs, bulldogs and staffies are much more susceptible to breathing difficulties and should try to avoid any heat exposure.
What to look out for?
- Persistent panting and agitation
- Bright coloured red gums
- Nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea
- Elevated heart rate (above 120 beats per 60sec)
- Elevated temperature (above 39.5C)
- Weakness
- Muscle tremors
How to treat heatstroke?
The best option for treating canine heatstroke is to immediately take your dog to a vet.
However, if this isn’t possible you could try keeping them comfortable and cooling them down by;
- Moving them to a cool shaded area or an air conditioned space
- Offering them water
- Placing a fan in-front of them
- Wetting down your dog and the surrounding area
If your dog’s temperature isn’t decreasing – try spraying their coat with cool water and covering them with a wet towel, whilst positioning them in front of a fan.
Tips for keeping cool
- Frozen treats: Try freezing treats in your dog’s kong, this will keep them amused and cool them down!
- Haircuts: In some instances giving your dog a haircut in the summer months works wonders for keeping them cool. However, you should remember that they still need a minimum of at least 1 inch of hair to protect them from the sun, so no shaving them.
- Provide plenty of shade and fresh water, your dog should always have access to drinking water
Slithering snakes
Dogs have a natural curiosity with other animals, however in summertime this inquisitiveness can become super dangerous and potentially fatal. Snakebites are common amongst dogs in the summer months. If you think your dog has been bitten, immediate veterinary attention is required;
Snakebite symptoms can include;
- Sudden weakness
- Collapsing
- Shaking
- Muscle twitching
- Unresponsive to light, dilated pupils
In summertime you should avoid letting your dog roam in bushland surrounding lakes and waterways, sand dunes near the beach and anywhere with long grass.
(Source: Dr Belinda Beynon, Serpentine Vet)

Doggie destinations
Here at Peet we have a number of communities with dedicated dog parks, that have been specially designed and constructed with dogs in mind.
If you and your furry friend are looking for somewhere to hang out, check out;
Googong, NSW
Rockley Dog Park, Rockley Parade

Riverbank, QLD
Harvey Park, Riverbank Estate (off Market Drive and Raff Road, Caboolture South)

Flagstone, QLD (water based)
Trailblazer Drive, Jimboomba
If you’re out and about with your furry friend exploring one of our communities use the hashtag #peetpets #DogLife
Your Pets Vet Inglewood & Mt Lawley