Home » On-trend home colours

Ever wondered how colours suddenly go from obscure to mainstream?

You see a colour on clothes on the catwalk, which filter into homewares on the high-street and even onto new cars. It’s all thanks to colour forecasting.

One of the premium forecaster’s is Pantone – considered theauthoritative colour trend forecaster. Last year’s Pantone Colours of the Year were serenity (baby blue) and rose quartz (pale pink), which showed up in everything from shoes to sofas, and bedding to buildings.

This year’s forecast is for Kale, which has moved from being an on-trend vegetable to star on the trendiest of home walls.

So, if it’s time to inject some colour into your new home, why not try some of these 10 on-trend tones:




Island Paradise


Lapis Blue


Pale Dogwood

Pink Yarrow

Primrose Yellow

If your tastes lean more to the dark side, don’t despair – the “new darks” are also on their way. These are complex darker shades in different hue groups – think deep rich wine, rich grape and greys with undertones like purple.

You’ll probably find it is best suited to dining areas, living rooms and adult retreats/bedrooms where you want to create intimacy or in furnishings or accessories.This trend is driven by a new way of thinking when it comes to creating a meditative or relaxing space. We all enjoy a little relaxation but the hard works comes first!

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