Home » The ultimate moving guide

Moving house can be one of the most stressful of life’s big events, potentially reducing the excitement you feel about moving into your new home. It’s not until you decide to move that you realise how much stuff you own. The reality of having to pack it all up to move to your new house can be quite daunting. Not to mention everything you need to think about for your new house: did you call the electricity company? Will you like the neighbours? Will they like you!

Whether or not you choose to hire removalists or move yourselves, is a personal choice, but we’ve rounded up our top 5 tips to make the whole process easier.

1. Purge as you pack!

Take the opportunity while packing to purge items you no longer use. Sell, donate or throw these items away, don’t take them with you – they’ll only clutter up the new house. If you don’t have the opportunity to part with them before the move, label the box to sell or donate so you don’t unpack it at the other end.

2. Create a moving caddy

Have everything you’ll need for moving in a box or caddy so you don’t need to go searching for it. We recommend including: keys, garage openers, scissors, Sharpie, labels, Stanley knife, packing tape, screwdriver, hammer, Allen keys, ziplock bags with screws, nails etc.

3. Rate and label each box

Label the room each box needs to go into, then give each one a star or number based on the priority it needs to be unpacked. e.g. 3 stars for “unpack immediately”, 1 star for “this one can wait”.

4. Grocery Delivery

A few days before you move, order and book a groceries delivery to be delivered a few hours after you arrive. This will mean you don’t have to pop to the shops for essentials such as bread and milk, and you’ll have less to pack from the fridge and pantry on the morning you move!

Lounge room in Aston home

5. Keep the essentials together

Keep a box or two with all the essentials – fresh linen for each bed, toilet paper, hand towel, hand soap, paper plates, plastic cups, toiletries, medication, tissues, kitchen sponge, all-purpose cleaner and a bottle opener/corkscrew! No more scrambling around for fresh linen at 9pm when everyone just wants to sleep!

Ultimate Moving Checklist

Our Ultimate Moving Checklist with all these tips (and many more!) is the perfect way to keep you on track. And don’t forget – make a note of that local take away place and put a bottle of champagne in the fridge the moment you arrive, you’ll want it later!

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