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With over 130 years of experience in creating communities, Peet is one of Australia’s leading property developers.

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By reading this, I acknowledge that:

  • only factual information is contained on this website and nothing is intended to be a recommendation or statement of opinion which influences me to make an investment decision;
  • the information contained on this website is not financial product advice; and
  • I will read any relevant Offer Document and obtain appropriate advice in relation to my investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs before making any financial decision.

Buy, sell or transfer securities

If you wish to register your interest in buying or selling securities in any entity, you will need to complete a Buyers’ or Sellers’ Authority form and return it to:

Sellers’ Authority Form

Buyers’ Authority Form

Information Sheet on Buying & Selling Securities

Syndicate Investor Services Officer
Peet Limited
PO Box 7224
Cloisters Square WA 6850

or via email:

Transferring Securities

If you wish to transfer securities in any entity, you will need to complete a Transfer Form and forward the original to the address above.

Please ensure you return the original Share Certificate (or a Lost or Destroyed Share/Unit Certificates Statutory Declaration Form if the original Share Certificate has been misplaced) along with the Transfer Form.

You will also need to provide some supporting documents, please refer to the relevant sections below. Please note that if you do not provide the correct supporting documents your transfer may be delayed or rejected.

Supporting Documents

Together with the Transfer Form and original share certificate, the transferor (seller) will also need to supply us with an original certified copy of identification. This measure for sellers of securities has been implemented to provide additional security around the transfer process by ensuring that the Transfer Form has been validly authorised by the seller.

For any transferee (buyer) that is new to investing in a Peet Syndicate, we will also require a certified copy of their identification as an individual, or director of a company and where applicable a certified copy of a trust deed.

Refer to the table below for identification documents required to be provided by the transferor (seller) of securities in any Peet Managed Investment Scheme (MIS) or Syndicate and any transferee (buyer) that is a new investor in any Peet MIS or syndicate. A MIS is required to comply with the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) Act, please click here for further information.

IndividualSam SampleOriginal certified copy of one of the below:
Australian driver’s licence containing a photograph of individual
Australian passport (a passport that has expired within the preceding two years is acceptable)
Card issued under a State or Territory for the purpose of providing person’s age containing a photograph of the person
Foreign passport or similar travel document containing a photograph and the signature of the person
Foreign driver’s licence that contains a photograph of the person in whose name the document is issued
JointSam Sample & Jane SampleFor each registered holder –
Original certified copy of one of the below:
Australian driver’s licence containing a photograph of individual
Australian passport (a passport that has expired within the preceding two years is acceptable)
Card issued under a State or Territory for the purpose of providing person’s age containing a photograph of the person
Foreign passport or similar travel document containing a photograph and the signature of the person
Foreign driver’s licence that contains a photograph of the person in whose name the document is issued
CompanyABC Pty LtdAustralian registered companies:

Original certified copy of:

– The most recent Company Statement issued by ASIC (showing the current officeholder details) and
– Driver’s licence or passport for each Officeholder who has signed the Transfer Form
– Please ensure that the Company Key on your Corporate – Statement is masked so that it is not visible

Foreign registered companies:

Original certified copy of:

– A document issued by the relevant foreign registration body outlining current Officeholders and
– Driver’s licence or passport for each Officeholder or joint holder who has signed the Transfer Form
TrustABC Pty Ltd or
Sam Sample & Jane Sample
Refer to respective sections above for Joint or Company Trustee requirements.

If the trust is not a registered managed investment scheme or government superannuation fund then please complete this form: Customer Identification and Verification form.

Please provide an original certified copy of the Trust Deed.

Transfer due to Change of Trustee

If there is a change in trustee for any trust, we require a covering letter advising of the change and a certified copy of the relevant instrument effecting the change, which should confirm the details of the retiring trustee(s) and new trustee(s). Please send the above documents along with the original share certificate and a certified copy of identification from all trustees.

Transfer due to Deceased Estate

In addition to the Transfer Form(s), an original certified copy of probate or the death certificate and Will are required. The new identification requirements referred to above will also apply to beneficiaries that are new investors in a Peet MIS and syndicates.

Surviving Holder

If a securityholding is held in joint names and one holder passes away, the original share certificate should be returned to us together with an original certified copy of the death certificate and a certified copy of ID from the surviving holder. We will then issue a new certificate to the surviving holder. A Transfer Form is not required.

Replacement Certificates

If you cannot find your original security certificate, a replacement certificate can be reissued at your request. Please complete the Lost or Destroyed Share Certificate form and return this by post.

Power Attorney

Where the Transfer Form has been signed under Power of Attorney, the Power of Attorney must have already been lodged with Peet Limited or an original certified copy must be provided with the Transfer Form.

Certify a Document

An authorised person must check and sign a copy of an original document to state that it is a valid document.

How to certify a document:

  1. The document must be certified by someone who has permission to do so under State law.
  2. The certifying officer’s name, position and contact number must be clearly stated on the document.
  3. All pages of the document must be certified.
  4. The certification must contain a statement to the effect that it is a ‘true and correct copy’ of the original.
  5. The stamp and/or statement and signature of the authorised person must be original. No photocopies or faxes of the certification are acceptable.

Examples of persons, who may be able to certify a document as a true and correct copy of an original, include:

  • Legal Practitioner
  • Justice of the Peace
  • Chartered Accountant or Certified Practicing Accountant
  • Legally qualified medical practitioners
  • Members of the police force

We will not accept documents certified by individual(s) who are also signatories to the requested transaction.


Transfer Form

Sellers Authority Form

Buyers Authority Form

Lost or Destroyed Share/Unit Certificate Statutory Declaration

Customer Identification & Verification Form